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About me

Hi all! I am Davide Polonio, a programmer and devOps engineer. I am born in 1994 and started messing with computers since I was 8 (I begun with the only and glorious Windows 95), and then I continued my path to learn about computers and how to break mess with them. I graduated at university with a master degree in computer science at Padova. I prefer back-end stuff (I usually end up using Java, Golang, Rust and Bash to glueing stuff around), especially automating releases with Continous Integration and Continous Delivery. I create and manage pipelines for Jenkins (and administer Jenkins as well), but I also know other CIs like Github Actions, Travis CI, Drone CI (or the now clone Woodpecker). I enjoy container technologies, starting from Docker, Podman and going on to orchestrators like Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and Nomad (which I would like to learn more of the lasts two). If I can, I use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform and Packer to create and maintain infrastructure on cloud providers, like AWS or Scaleway.

I am an open source enthusiast, so when I am able to I like to contribute to open source projects and to learn about new projects. I believe in the value that open source software (and especially free software) can give respect to closed one.

I'm not only into programming! I like to practice sport. In particular, I am a black belt Judo and I teach it at the local dojo were I live.

If you are interested into get in touch with me (or to get my resume) you can send me an e-mail (I prefer this way) at or you can contact me through my LinkedIn profile.