# Mezzotre [![Build Status](https://ci.poldebra.me/api/badges/polpetta/mezzotre/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/devel)](https://ci.poldebra.me/polpetta/mezzotre) Mezzotre is a DnD content management system. Currently, it is still in the first development stages and everything is still evolving, goals included. The whole system is based on Java17+ for the language, incoming Webhooks from Telegram, Jooby backend to handle the requests, PostgresSQL to store data and long-term chat context information. ## Shipping and running Keep in mind that Mezzotre is meant to be run behind a reverse proxy handling all the TLS stuff. In the root of the project you can find a `docker-compose.yml` file that can be a useful starting point to generate your configuration. Finally, you can use the same docker-compose definition as a developer to have a live version running. Simply run: ```shell DEBUG_OPTS=debug- docker-compose up -d --build && docker-compose logs -f ``` to run a debug instance. Omit the `DEBUG_OPTS` env variable for a "production" style environment. Note that this configuration requires an `.env` file (that is not committed for obvious reasons) containing the database password and a valid Telegram Bot token. To configure Webhook configuration for your bot, open up a terminal and type: ```shell curl -F "url=https://example.com/api/tg" \ -F "allowed_updates=[\"message\", \"edited_message\", \"channel_post\", \"edited_channel_post\", \"inline_query\", \"choosen_inline_result\", \"callback_query\", \"poll\", \"poll_answer\", \"my_chat_member\", \"chat_member\", \"chat_join_request\"]" \ https://api.telegram.org/bot/setWebhook ``` ## Building Build is achieved through Maven. To build a `jar` run: ```shell ./mvnw package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.site.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true ``` In the `target/` folder you will find an uber-jar and optionally the possibility to run it via a script and to setup auto-startup via systemd or openrc units. ## Developing ### Automatic testing You can simply run tests with `./mvnw test`. This will run `UT` and `IT` tests together. ### Manual testing For a manual approach, just open a terminal and type `mvn jooby:run`. Assuming you have a database locally available (check out [application.conf](conf/application.conf)) and a valid Telegram token set (maybe as environment variable) you can develop and see live changes of your Mezzotre on the fly. Finally, by using Postman, you can simulate incoming Telegram events. ## License This software is under AGPL3+. You can find all details in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.