# Disable some built-in rules config: no-inline-html: false MD013: code_block_line_length: 120 MD024: allow_different_nesting: true # no-trailing-spaces: false # no-multiple-blanks: false # Include a custom rule package #customRules: # - markdownlint-rule-titlecase # Fix any fixable errors fix: false # Define a custom front matter pattern #frontMatter: "[^]*<\/head>" # Define glob expressions to ignore ignores: - "*.autogen.md" # Use a plugin to recognize math #markdownItPlugins: # - # - "@iktakahiro/markdown-it-katex" # Disable inline config comments noInlineConfig: true # Disable progress on stdout noProgress: true # Use a specific formatter outputFormatters: - - markdownlint-cli2-formatter-default